Detect an iPod in WMP

Detect an iPod in WMP - Download a plug-in that will make your iPod compatible with your Windows Media Player. You can find a few programs online that will all do the same thing.

Attach your iPod to your computer with the USB cable that came with your device.
Open Windows Media player.

Click on "Start Sync" to sync your iPod with WMP. Once it finishes, your Windows Media Player music will detect your iPod. You can now manage your iPod with Windows Media Player. You can drag and drop songs to and from your library as you please.

Your iPod is created so that it will only be detected by your iTunes software. In order for your Windows Media Player to detect your iPod, you will need to download a plug-in. The plug-in will automatically run every time you open WMP so all you have to do is download and install it. Once the plug-in is installed on your computer, you can use your WMP just like you would use your iTunes software. You will be able to transfer songs back and forth between your iPod and WMP, as well as create playlists and manage your music.

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