Fill Up Your iPod With Music

Fill Up Your iPod With Music - Connect your iPod to your computer using the USB cable that came with your iPod. One end of this cable will plug into your iPod and the other will plug into the USB port on your computer.

Open iTunes. This may automatically happen when you connect your computer and your iPod. If not, the iPod will have instructions on installing the iTunes program on your computer.
Add music to iTunes. There are two ways. The first is to take CDs you already own and copy the songs you want to your computer. Place the CD in your computer's CD player and then follow the instructions for copying the files. The other way to get music for your iPod is to buy it at the iTunes store. You can access this store by clicking on "iTunes Store" on the iTunes screen.

Drag and drop music from your computer to your iTunes library. Choose the song you want and drag that file onto iTunes. That song will appear in your iTunes library.

Drag song titles from your library to "Device" on your iTunes screen. "Device" is your iPod. If you named your iPod, it will be listed under that name. Songs you drag to your device will sync to your iPod. Right click on "Device" and choose "Sync."

IPods and other MP3-playing devices have become mainstream. These handy little items allow you to download a great deal of music and then take it with you everywhere you go. How much music you can put on your iPod depends on the iPod you bought. Some will hold 500 songs, and some will hold thousands. IPods also hold pictures, audio books and even movie files.

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