Increase the Volume on an iPod Shuffle

Increase the Volume on an iPod Shuffle - Switch the on/off toggle to on -- a green light will appear -- and push the play button on the device. Do this without the earbuds on initially in case the volume is loud.

Hold one earbud up to your ear and if the volume is a comfortable level, put it in your ear. Look along the length of the earbud cord for a volume button. If the cord is smooth all the way down you have an older iPod shuffle. Increase the volume by pushing the "+" button on the shuffle. It is located at the top of the click wheel.
Push the up arrow or "+" on the earbud controller if you have the newest iPod shuffle with the controller on the cord.

The iPod shuffle is the smallest iPod ever produced, and it's often the choice to listen to while exercising. There's no screen, and the packaging it comes in is minimal; most of the instructions are visual rather than written. This can be confusing if you're new to the iPod world. Changing your volume is quick and easy. Exactly how you do it depends on the version you have.

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