Examine the back of the stereo. Do this if you have not found an input on the front to see what type of connections are there. Most stereos will have analog RCA jacks (red/white wire pairs) in the back, and you should find a free place to plug a new pair in. If you are forced to connect your iPod to the back of your stereo because of the lack of front inputs, then skip the next step.
Use a male-male (3.5 mm) audio plug to connect the iPod to the front of your stereo. But because there are different kinds of audio inputs that stereos have, you will need to check to see whether it is a 3.5 mm plug or the larger 1/4 inch plug. If it is a smaller plug, you can simply plug your iPod directly into the amplifier with a audio wire that has a male connector on each end. If your stereo has a larger input plug on your stereo, you will first need to find a 1/4 inch to 3 1/2 inch converter and plug in into your stereo. You can then take the same male-male audio plug from above and plug that into the smaller socket in the converter which you just plugged into the stereo.
Plug in the red and white analog RCA audio plugs into their appropriate sockets on the back of the stereo. The other end of the wire should be a 3.5 mm plug that you can plug into your iPod. A converter of this type can easily be found at electronics stores if you do not have one. You will want to note which input the red and white plugs are in.
Turn your iPod and your stereo on once all of the connections are secure. Then switch the stereo onto whatever setting you plugged it into. If it is a front plug, it may be called 'Aux' or 'Input 1' (among others), depending on your stereo. If you are not sure, then while the iPod is playing you can try switching between inputs until you hear music play. Make sure that the volume is not muted so you will be able to hear it.
Your iPod has a headphone jack on it that works well with most headphones and ear buds. Most stereos, especially older ones, will not have an iPod dock built in. But by use of the headphone jack, it is easy to play music from your iPod through your stereo.
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