Report a Found iPod

Report a Found iPod - Turn on the iPod. Go to "Settings" then "About." This will list the iPod's name and serial number. Note this for when you contact Apple Customer Support.

Call Apple Customer Support at 1-800-275-2273. Ask to speak to a representative. Explain that you found the iPod and give them the information listed under "About." This will allow them to find the customer's information if the iPod was registered. Apple will contact the customer and forward your information to them.
Go to your local police station. Explain to the dispatcher that you found an iPod. You will likely need to speak to an officer who will take down information about where you found the device. They will take the device and hold it until someone claims it. Ask what will happen with the device should no one claim it, as the police may return it to you after a certain amount of time.

A lost iPod can not only cost the owner a couple hundred dollars to replace, but it also can mean the loss of their personal information, settings and music collection. If you have found a lost iPod, you can report it to Apple, which may be able to contact the owner if they have registered the device. Or you can report it to the local police department, which will hold it for a period of time until the owner picks it up. In some cases, the police will return the device to the person who turned it in if no one shows after a certain amount of time.

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