Change the colors of the touch pad to match the screen, or use a combination of colors. When you mod your iPod, you can personalize it in different ways to reflect your personality.
Install your own replacement LCDs for your screen and touch pads. You can find iPod mod kits at various companies. Do not attempt to mod your iPod yourself unless you are very experienced with soldering.
Give the back of your iPod a "brushed steel" effect by rubbing it with a rough sponge. Wet the sponge, and then keep it square as you rub the back of your iPod up and down until you get the finish you want. The advantage of the brushed steel effect is that it obscures fingerprints and looks cool. This is a simple and cheap way to mod your iPod.
The iPod is here to stay. They're small, they're cool and people love them. However, people also want to change them, just a little, so the iPod can reflect the owner's personality. That's where mods come in for your iPod. The mods can be simple or elaborate. Let your imagination, and budget, be your guide.
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