Replace a Battery for an iPod Touch 16G

Replace a Battery for an iPod Touch 16G - Open your web browser.

Visit the online Apple Service Assistant.
Type in the serial number of your 16GB iPod Touch (found on the back of the unit's case) and also the country in which you live. Then, click "Next."

Select the "Out of Warranty Battery Replacement" option and then click "Next."

Enter your payment information (the online service site supports both debit and credit card), as well as your billing information (the address listed on the card you used to pay). Then, click "Next."

If the battery on your 16GB iPod Touch needs to be replaced with a new unit, it is highly recommended that you do not attempt to do it yourself. Replacing the battery on the iPod Touch involves opening the unit's case, which will immediately void your manufacturer's or extended warranty if you attempt to do it yourself. You also run the risk of permanently damaging your iPod Touch, which, if you don't have a warranty, means you'll have no choice but to buy a new one. You can, however, send your iPod Touch off to an Apple Service Center to have your battery replaced quickly and painlessly.

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