Transfer iPod Photos to an iMac

Transfer iPod Photos to an iMac - Plug your iPod into your iMac using the USB cable.

Launch iPhoto by either clicking on the iPhoto icon in your dock, or opening Finder, selecting the Applications folder and clicking the iPhoto icon.
Click the name of your iPod when it appears under "Devices" in the left of the iPhoto window. Your pictures appear on the screen as thumbnails.

Click each picture to highlight it, pressing the command key as you click to highlight multiple pictures. Drag the thumbnails into the album in which you wish to store it in the pane on the left.

Click "Delete Originals" if you wish to delete the photos from your iPod or "Keep Originals" if you want them on both your iPod and your iMac. Your photos will be imported into your iPhoto library on your iMac.

In addition to being able to listen to music, download songs, watch videos and play games, Apple's iPod also allows you to transfer pictures from its photo library to your iMac in your iPhoto library. Once your photos are in your iPhoto library, you can edit and customize them, burn them to a disc or share them online.

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