Open iPod Updater

Open iPod Updater - Plug your iPod into your computer via the USB (Universal Serial Bus) port and make sure both the computer and iPod are powered on.

Click on the "Applications" folder on your desktop and then select "Utilities." Inside you'll see the iPod Updater program icon. Visit Apple Support online to get the latest version of iPod Updater. Once at the site, type iPod Updater in the "Search Downloads" box. Follow the prompt and click the "Download" tab in the Updater menu. It's a free program that will work for either Mac or Windows.
Enter your computer's password into the field and click "Enter." The iPod Updater will now be open on your desktop.

Select the "Update" option to add any new software updates. Your computer will connect to the Internet through your iTunes program to find any new software.

Disconnect your iPod from your computer once the installation is done and close out of the iPod Updater program.

Apple keeps releasing new models of its iPod media player, each with more features than the last. With such a variety of iPods it makes sense that there are constant software updates to keep users up to speed with technological advances and fix any glitches that may have been uncovered in previous versions. The iPod Updater makes installing the new software quick and easy, and usually all it takes is to turn on your computer and plug in your iPod.

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