Unlock the iPod 3G

Unlock the iPod 3G - Turn on your iPhone and connect it your computer. If iTunes appears, make sure that you close it out before performing the unlocking process. Download the program from the resource link listed with this article.

Double-click the program that you have downloaded and you will be greeted with a large button that says Make it Ra1n. Click this button with your iPhone 3G connected and wait for the phone to reboot. Do not unplug your iPhone at anytime until you have completely finished this guide. Make it Ra1n will install an application onto your iPhone 3G. When you can see your iPhone 3G home screen, go to the next step.
Press the brown Cydia icon on your iPhone 3G home screen and the app will load. Press the Manage button at the bottom of Cydia after the app has loaded. Press the Add button on the next screen and enter in "repo666.ultrasnow.com." Go back to the Sources menu and you will now see a new source named Ultrasnow. Click on it and choose the Ultrasnow package. Press the install button and wait as your iPhone 3G is unlocked.

Press the large Reboot button at the bottom of the installer after the Ultrasnow package is installed. Your iPhone 3G will reboot, and it will be unlocked.

Having an unlocked iPhone 3G will open up an entirely new world for your iPhone. Unlocking the iPhone will allow you to use it on any compatible network, anywhere in the world. In the United States, the iPhone is used on AT&T's GSM network. If it is unlocked, the iPhone can be used in places like Italy and the UK. Also, unlocking your iPhone 3G is completely legal.

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