Sign out of your iTunes account if you're signed in. Go to the top set of iTunes menus and select the "Store" menu and then choose "Sign out" from the selections.
Select the iTunes Store in the left column of iTunes under the "Store" heading, and then locate and click on the "App Store" item in the navigation bar. The navigation bar is just below the buttons and search field at the top of the iTunes application window.
Scroll down and look on the right side for a list entitled "Free Apps" and click the "FREE" button located next to any of them.
Click the "Create New Account" button, then select "Continue," and read and agree to the terms and conditions. You must check the box to agree to the terms before you'll be able to continue.
Apple's iTunes Store sells music, apps and books. The App Store offers a wide variety of free apps that can be downloaded to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch without paying any money. Regardless of whether you're purchasing items or downloading a free app, you must have an Apple ID to access items provided through the iTunes Store. Fortunately, Apple offers a means by which customers without credit cards can create an Apple ID. The exact process is outlined on Apple's website.
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