Visit the Amazon MP3 Store. Log in to your Amazon account and type the name of the artist or song that you wish to search for in the search bar at the top of the browser window and click the "Buy MP3" button underneath the Download column.
Click the "Continue" button to verify the MP3 purchase and click the "Open iTunes" button in the Downloads Complete pop-up window.
Plug the iPod's cable into the iPod and into your computer's USB port. Click the iPod's tab in the iTunes' sidebar and select the Music tab at the top of the iTunes' main window.
Make sure the box next to "Sync Music" is checked. If your iPod is set to automatic music synchronization, the Amazon MP3 will transfer to your iPod during the synchronization. If your iPod is set to manual, click the Music tab in the iTunes' sidebar and drag the purchased song to the iPod's tab in the iTunes' sidebar to transfer it.
If you want to purchase music from Amazon's MP3 Store you must use the Amazon Download Manager, a program that downloads MP3s directly to your computer. According to the official Amazon site, MP3s purchased from the Amazon MP3 Store are free of Digital Rights Management, which allows them to be played on any music player. Once downloaded, MP3s must be imported into your iTunes media library in order to be transferred to your iPod, as iTunes is the required program for iPod synchronization.
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