Insert the pry tool into the seam where the back and front covers of the iPod meet, and pry the halves apart by working your way around the perimeter of the iPod.
Pull the halves apart very minimally and gently, as you need to remove the ribbon cable that attaches the battery to the iPod's logic board. Gentle pry the ribbon from its mooring, and then proceed to fully pull the iPod casing apart.
Pry the old battery out with the pry tool and replace it with the fresh battery.
Connect the new ribbon cable into the ribbon cable connection, in the same positioning that the old one was in. Be gentle, because the connector can break under duress.
As iPods have evolved since their release in 2001, their hard drives continue to get bigger. A 30 gigabyte hard drive belongs to the 5th Generation iPod Classic, which was released in 2005 by Apple. Replacing the battery yourself is not as daunting a task as it may seem, as all you need is a battery replacement kit and a few basic instructions.
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