Browse the New Releases section or click the "Top Tens" or "Genres" buttons at the top of the screen to expand your search for music. If you seek a specific song or artist, tap the "Search" button at the bottom of the screen to open a search box. Type in the information and view the results.
Click the art or name of any song that interests you to listen to a preview and read reviews. When you decide on a song you want to download to your iPod Touch, click the button that contains the price or the word "Free" and click "Install."
Enter your Apple ID when prompted. If you don't have a free Apple ID, the software walks you through the steps to set one up.
Wait as the song downloads. Tap the "Music" app on the iPod Touch to locate and play the song.
An iPod Touch can hold thousands of songs in its music library. There are two ways to add music to the iPod. You can buy and download songs directly from the iTunes app on the iPhone or you can sync the mobile device with iTunes on your computer and transfer music you already own.
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