Tap "More" at the bottom right, followed by "Edit" in the upper left. A "Configure" screen displays 11 categories that you can use to browse through the iPhone's content. By default, four of them appear on the toolbar below: Playlists, Artists, Songs and Videos.
Press and drag a more suitable icon over a toolbar icon that you want to replace; for example, drag "Genres" over "Videos." The original icon illuminates when you lift your finger and the new icon replaces it on the dock.
Repeat Step 3 until the toolbar icons are more to your liking. Next, drag them around until they are ordered in a manner you find satisfactory.
Tap "Done" in the upper right corner to set your new, more useful iPod toolbar.
Your iPhone is designed to play music and videos with impressive quality, but you can make the device perform even better by adjusting its iPod controls to suit your browsing habits and media preferences. IPod controls can be tweaked in two areas -- its toolbar and settings. To access a particular set of songs or video quickly, you can display your most frequently used search engine categories on the iPod toolbar. To improve playback functionality and quality, on the other hand, tweak the iPod app's settings. Either way, listening to music or watching videos on your iPhone becomes more enjoyable.
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