Assemble an iPod

Assemble an iPod - Place the front plastic frame face down on the table in front of you. The digitizer should be further from you and the "Home" button should be closest to you.

Set the screen face down into the plastic frame and tighten the screws into the holes around the edge. Use a jeweler's screwdriver to manage the tiny screws.
Set the processor down onto the "Home" button end of the iPod. It is shaped just like the "Home" button area and has the dock connector on the underside. The battery pack is attached to the processor by a thin wire.

Press the processor down until the clips snap together and smooth the antenna strips down over the back of the display. The antenna has small clips that press down onto the ports just above the display.

Apply the new adhesive strips to the back of the display and press the battery down on top of them.

The iPod, manufactured by Apple Computers, is an MP3 audio player that you can also use to watch videos and store digital photographs and other files. With frequent use of the touch screen and earphone ports, problems may occur, which could require you to disassemble the iPod to fix any issues.

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